Institutional News

Professor Dong Chen from Tsinghua University visited Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and gave a seminar

Publication Date:2020-06-16 11:10:55

On the morning of June 10, 2020,Professor Dong Chen, Dean of School of Medicine Tsinghua University, Director of Institute for Immunology Tsinghua University, visited Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and gave a seminar in the lecture hall of Yide Building. The seminar was broadcast live through the ChaoXing network platform. Professor. Chen Guoqiang, Dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine hosted the seminar.

After a brief introduction by Prof. Chen Guoqiang, Prof. Dong Chen gave a lecture titled "Function and Regulation of T Cells in Immunity and Inflammation". Starting from an introduction of antiviral immunity, Prof. Dong Chen first introduced his group’s latest results on human humoral and cellular immunity in response to the COVID-9 infection which was recently published inImmunityUsing the serum of rehabilitation COVID19 patients, their research found that all tested rehabilitation patients produced virus-specific antibodies, and most of the rehabilitation patients contained different levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies. This study confirmed the role of cellular immunity in antiviral reactions and provided a valuable reference for the development of COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, Professor Dong Chen shared their recent research published in Immunity about body temperature regulating the fate and function of Th17 cells. They found that high fever (39.5 degrees) in vitro would significantly promote the differentiation of T cells into pro-inflammatory Th17 cells, and clarified the molecular mechanism by which Smad4 regulates the fate and function of Th17 cells in a temperature dependent manner. After the seminar, Prof. Dong Chen answered questions from teachers and students on the scene.
